Release of the platform
Version 1.0 of the FabLang platform is out now. You have now the ability to create a TTS language by just uploading audio files and their transcription on the platform.
Version 1.0 of the FabLang platform is out now. You have now the ability to create a TTS language by just uploading audio files and their transcription on the platform.
Third year for the FabLang project : Research part almost completed.
6 months extension asked and accepted.
Starting the platform development.
Given the performances achieved with ASR (almost comparable to the ones from Google/Meta/…) and given the fact that Acapela is well known as a TTS provider, the ASR part of the project is cancelled.
New test of the FabLang system on Farsi (TTS). First tests examples proposed.
First year anniversary for FabLang. First version of the language creation framework has been developed and tested on Luxembourghish (both ASR and TTS).
Official starting date of FabLang. This is the official starting date of the project. Documents have been signed by Willy BORSUS Vice-President and Minister of the Economy, Foreign Trade, Research and Innovation, Digital Affairs, Regional Planning, Agriculture, IFAPME and Competence Centers.
FabLang project has been accepted. It's a 3 years duration project.
FabLang Project has been presented to Walloon Region. The project description and objectives have been discussed and prepared.